The amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30
The amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30

Three of Nicole's life choices result in her death, all in a row: one from joining a hippie rally, one from swallowing a butterfly mid-flight that Mr.When he criticizes the dinner for being cold, cut to her being apprehended by the police for setting their manor on fire. When she decides to tie the knot with Harold, his criticism and demeaning comments drive her insane, and she's evidently gotten plastic surgery on her face at some point to appease him.Choosing to marry Banana Bob eventually leads to Nicole going insane with his constant singing, so much she becomes a Basement-Dweller psycho who now sports Bob's eyes, mouth, and mustache.Okay, I'll try not to dwell on what that says about me.

the amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30

  • Gumball attempts to assassinate Alan by dropping down on him through the ventilation shaft and popping him with a push pin, but his head gets stuck trying to exit.
  • the amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30

    Gumball and Darwin's jaws dropping all the way down the stairs.Idaho exploding when he sees Gumball nude.Gumball then ties it around his ears and crotch and Darwin tells him that his crotch looks like "a really inappropriate birthday gift". He wraps it around his body and Darwin tells him that he looks like "a cross between a '90s R&B diva and a pork roast". Not long after, it turns out Gumball mixed up his gym bag with Alan's, which only contains a single piece of string.Gumball sucking his butt to his chest, making it look like he has a buff appearance.Darwin and Gumball don't notice because they're already sure nothing interesting will happen today, and just decided to stare at the clock as hard as possible, and eventually, the movers realize they got the wrong house and move it back. As the house exits Elmore, it passes by the sets of Clarence, Regular Show, and Uncle Grandpa (who winds up running over himself), with a flash of static separating each. The Crossover Punchline where the entire Watterson house gets hauled away with Gumball and Darwin in it.

    the amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30

    but had it on selfie mode, so all Gumball and Darwin can see is Tobias' reaction. What's worse is that Tobias got it all on camera phone. Small is looking at - only for the end results to be covered by a drawn curtain.

  • Gumball and Darwin thinking they're going to see something interesting in the mall: Alison's mayonnaise jar falls and breaks, Harold slips and rips Miss Simian's dress off her body, Harold looks down at her, gets sick, and throws up in the Hexagon Lady's purse The Hexagon Lady shrieks and tosses her ruined purse into some fans that Mr.
  • Sal Left Thumb performing a musical number about the musical career he would have had he not turn to crime, contrasted by him singing off-key and annoying everybody.
  • The entire scene with Banana Joe trying out different things with a lightsaber.
  • Hector getting struck in the head with an airplane.
  • Billy falling into a puddle, and Gumball and Darwin obliviously using him as a platform.
  • The Donut Cop then goes so fast that his hubcap flies off and decapitates Leslie.
  • When the Donut Cop is chasing his self-proclaimed worst enemy (actually himself), he breaks a traffic light that slowly falls toward Marvin only to stop an inch above him, then the light suddenly falls off and lands on his head.
  • the amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30

    Meanwhile, Gumball ends up growing roots on his backside and Darwin suggests he get it waxed.

  • Darwin has been sitting on the floor for so long, it became stuck to him and Gumball has to chisel the floor off his butt.
  • Josh then becomes demonic and lunges at Gumball. Gumball says "bite me" to Darwin, then snaps his fingers.
  • One of the plans to make Josh friends with Anais again is to hypnotize him.
  • On the other hand, Darwin manages to make a wallet sound perfectly.
  • Gumball tries to make the sound of a lost wallet by saying "WALLET!!" in a weird voice.
  • Marvin: Hey, I heard that! ( takes several seconds to make a frown) Gumball: (imitating Marvin) My face is so wrinkly that it takes me an hour to pull an expression.

    The amazing world of gumball season 5 episode 30